One of those days.

It was a good one, but at the end of the day I am left missing my husband a lot.

It seems most days tend to go like this though.

I can be out all evening.. even appear as though I'm having a great time, but at the back of my mind I can't stop thinking of how much better everything would be if my husband was with me.. or waiting at the house for me to get home.  Not every day is like this.. but the days that are hit me like a ton of bricks.

Whether it be a movie that has a love story line.
A wedding.
Or some random chick talking about what she wants in love..

Lets just say I am MORE thank thankful that I at least have Piston to come home to.  How do the wives that don't even have a pet get through it??

Things have been going here.. I work all week.. which is more than welcome as it seems like once I leave a weekend, I turn right around and it's weekend time again.  For the most part my weekends have been fairly busy.  For example this weekend, went and saw the new Footloose with my mom.  Which I highly suggest!  Attended someone from church's wedding and reception.  Met up with some people I used to work with for some drinks out on the town.. and I still have tomorrow.  A trip to Emporia for a chilifeed is in store.

:) Speaking of which, I better go shower and hit the hayyyy.. I don't have to drive but I do have a house I'd like to clean before Monday and a couple of homework assignments to finish!

Happy weekend everyone..

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