What for?
I decided (a respectful 2 months later) that it would be kind of cool to blog about all the adventures that I have out here in Maryland so far away from Kansas. And believe me it has been an adventure. Not only do I live 1,105 miles away from where I grew up and my immediate family, but this is also the first time moving out of the parents house. So I've learned a lot about gas burners on the stove, gum left in shorts pockets, raising a puppy and keeping up with the house every single day. Sometimes it's a struggle, but I'm happy to say that I will be able to cross this off my bucket list when we move back to the midwest, this being... "Move outside the state of Kansas for at least a little while".
Most of you know why I moved out here so far out of my comfort zone. The reason being Rob. Of course. Currently we are sitting on opposite ends of the couch each with our laptops and the dog laying in between us. It's 1:30 in the morning, which is a rare occasion for us to BOTH be awake since Rob is usually up and headed to work in about 4 hours. But here we sit while some neighbor somewhere in the area plays some music a little too loudly and I also hear someone banging on a door? A wall? Or a figment of my imagination? I can say with 100% confidence I miss the full four walls and backyard that my parents house occupies. Sharing walls with for the most part complete strangers... it kind of sucks.
But on a brighter note, two of those shared walls are now painted red-and after tomorrow our living room will be done. (Minus the recliner, of course!) It will feel so nice to have a room I can consider done. Moving so far across the country I didn't get to bring some of the furniture I had collected, or a pretty good chunk of my decorations. We pretty much started from scratch. Rob lived here without a microwave for 2 months (how I don't know..) and we lived without a kitchen table for about a month... or the amount of time it took for Piston's head to pop over the top of the coffee table (which didn't take long). So it's all slowly coming together.. piece by piece.. or sometimes it feels, inch by inch.
All I know now is that each day has so much potential and opportunity-usually those are the days I sleep in wayy too late with the dog. (Yes, working friends and family, it's okay to be jealous.) But it's so cool to know that each day is what YOU make it. No matter what that may be.
Well, Piston is sleep-kicking me on the couch. I probably better get the word out to you all via FACEBOOK. Look for more posts in the future about random rants or words about life here so far away from my norm. Or don't. It's your call... I'm taking my sweet little four month old "baby" to bed.
Love and hugs to everyone that I miss in Kansas.
And thank you Rob for being patient with me since I moved here. XO.
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