Sometimes I can dream of blog posts all day. The correct wording, the clever pictures drawn out through the most fabulous description words possible and even what images I will use to highlight my point. Then when it comes time to sit down and actually put my thoughts onto "paper" everything just sounds silly. I am almost self conscious. What are my readers thinking of my words? Do they laugh? Nod in agreement? Think I am just being silly? I love seeing comments pop through that share the thoughts that my readers have after reading my thoughts, rants, celebrations about life. It's almost like a validation. I am successful in proving my point. Which is exactly how I imagine every blogger feels when they get a reaction from a reader. I've grown to love this feeling but I find myself picking and choosing my words more often. To convey my feelings in the most direct approach while still evoking a reaction from you all. Is this normal?
Maybe that is why this is the second time I have sat down to try and produce a post about this last weekend.
Round two. Let's go.
Last weekend was a blink and you miss it type of weekend. I'm afraid that every weekend between now and Rob coming home is going to be that way because as of right now.. there is something planned for every weekend between now and then. But believe me I am absolutely not complaining about that one. The distraction is more than welcome. I guess it is safe to say though that the deployment has luckily started to speed back up again... hip hip hooray. **Knock.On.Wood**
Grand things accomplished this weekend:
-My first 3D movie.. I successfully watched, with no "I'm-about-to-get-sick" moments. Titanic 3D was great. Titanic period is great. But when the characters come to life in a three dimensional aspect it draws you in all the more. One of the patients at work told me last week that until you have seen Titanic on the big screen you have not truly seen Titanic. I do agree with her.
-Celebrating Mom's birthday with dinner and then the movie was time well spent. Again, my parents are the best and I am very thankful to have them around. I love how my mother can sit and let me talk about everything weighing on my mind for hours, and not complain once about repeat stories, or how ridiculous I might sound. Probably a mom thing though.. and someday I hope to provide that comfort for my children.
-An important detail of my relationship with my husband is no longer a contributing factor. As of Saturday we are a one car family. It is bittersweet in the fact that the Civic was such a big deal early in our relationship. Rob purchased it fresh out of basic training and it has gone many places since then. Recently the Civic has been nothing more than a bump on a log taking up valued parking outside of my apartment building (for which I am sure my neighbors hated..), so Rob finally pulled the plug and to Carmax it went with the intentions of replacing it come July. So far, no tears have been shed.
-Midwest Massacre 2012, as my sister's friend called it, occurred over the weekend. Friday afternoon I logged online, and one of my friends just a mile from my apartment had posted an image of the expected severe weather impact locations for the weekend. Cue my nervous energy. I am totally okay with thunderstorms. You throw in the word severe or a TorCon value ("the likelihood of tornado activity within a given time period-
source) of 9 (out of 10, mind you) and I'm done for. Especially since I live on the third floor of an apartment building. I promptly called my parents and
asked told them Piston and I were on our way for a sleepover. We ended up staying Friday and Saturday night.. and Kansas City MAYBE got some rain. Y'all can thank me... if I would have stayed at my apartment it would have been mass destruction. Better safe than sorry though. (Sidenote, there were parts of Kansas and other Midwest states that saw severe damage--I'm keeping them in my thoughts, and you should too!)
.JPG) |
Result of massacre weekend=tired puppy. |
-I had grand plans to scrub every inch of the kitchen and tackle the last of the dishes. That way I could put a call in to maintenance and get my dishwasher fixed, finally. Due to the unexpected planned massacre, nothing was accomplished. I'm okay with that.
-Since it is Spring time in KC (hello GAWGEOUS weather!!) the topic of bad weather has come up more than once. I am fully aware I can not always pack up and head to my parents when bad weather comes. So this weekend I called up the apartment complex to ask them where the tornado shelters are in the apartments/complex. This is what I was told: To get in the tub. This was what I figured my best solution was, as I have lived in Kansas my whole life and they start teaching tornado safety at a very very young age. She then went on to tell me that I could also make friends with my neighbor on the first floor (because relying on someone to be home when weather strikes is a good idea..) OR I could come up to the office... they have a basement but the maintenance guys use it for their shop, so it is full of golf carts, which may not make it the safest and they aren't always there (yes, she told me that... I'm dead serious) OR I can find out when the church across the street is open as they have a basement (a. it's not really across the street.. it's like down the street. b. I'm not going to run to the car with my furbaby and get in it to DRIVE to my tornado shelter..). I was floored.. I mean really?
-Mom and I were lucky enough to get a few hours to shop on Saturday. I picked up the most fabulous boat shoes ever. They aren't Sperry's, but I am in. LOVE. AND, I have found my dress for Rob's homecoming. I am way ahead of the game, and dang it I am so glad.
-Monday marked day one of working out again. Except I didn't do it in the complex gym. I just couldn't bring myself to actually break a legit hardcore sweat. Is that weird? Instead Piston and I walked about a mile and a half around the neighborhood. Which was a workout by itself. My dog insists on pooping.. in every single yard. It's absurd, and I usually end up dragging him around the neighborhood cause he isn't really pooping anything. I'm sure I look like a crazy lady, but I get my workout in. So it is definitely a win/lose situation that always ends up with me swearing up and down that it is the LAST time Piston gets to go on a walk that direction ever again. Today we walked again.. much shorter though and our usual path so that there was no crazy pooping schemes from my dog. Of course he then walked with his head up.. silly dog.
So there you have it folks. What you all have been missing out on due to my lack of proper wording that I could be proud of. Sometimes I feel I am way harder on myself than I am should be. But the end result is always something I am proud of.
P.S. Head on over to Sue's blog at
Hello. Also, I love you. and read my
April sponsor introduction. I'm so excited to be sponsoring over there this month, and look for a guest post in the future!
You're too cute. I stress about what to write too, and then I stress about not writing at all.
ReplyDeleteThe weather was Cray-Zay this weekend. Luckily we didn't get hit too hard here in Fort Riley either... What a storm! PS Your building manager is nuts.
Super cute shoes, and so excited for you that you've already found your homecoming dress!! So fun!
Happy Wednesday!
So glad you kept the bad weather at bay for the KC area! We can count on rain here about 15 minutes after we wash our cars. So if you're ever in a drought... Lol
ReplyDeleteI always seem to pick and choose the words I use too...sounds beyond lame but I always reread, reread again, and reread it one more time to make sure that the words I've selected are really the ones that sound the best ;-P I agree that getting reactions from your readers - knowing that they were able to relate with you - is just a wonderful feeling :)
ReplyDeleteFirstly: Piston is so cute, I don't think I can tell you that enough times.
Second: Love the shoes. And speaking of homecoming dresses - I went to literally EVERY store in my city back up in South Dakota to find the PERFECT dress for my Hubby's graduation ;-P It was an all day event since I knew exactly what I wanted, just no one had it ;-P
Third: I HATE TORNADOES! I seriously have nightmares about them, that's how much tornadoes freak me out! Glad the bad weather avoided you!
I know exactly how you feel! I think all day long and have such amazing things to write, but then when I finally get a chance to do it, it's gone or doesn't come out right. So, I know how ya feel! Yes it is super exciting to see that people are reading your words and that they can relate. I love getting comments. :) Glad you found your homecoming dress! I haven't started looking yet, gotta shed a few more pounds. :) I'm glad time has sped back up again! :)
ReplyDeleteLove the shoes. :)
ReplyDeleteto get in the bathtub in a tornado? omg whatt! i'd be freaking out! im glad you are prepared and asking about where the nearest shelters are! a friend of mine lives in OK with her hubby & kids and there area and cities next to them got hit :( Thankfully they just got a new storm shelter phew!
ReplyDeleteYOur post made me laugh :) Piston is hilarious, he seems proud to be your baby and to protect you! and as for proper wording, TOTALLY get where you are coming from. In fact, last night, i re-read my post yesterday and googled proper use of whose vs who's and yep, i changed it! hahaha
OH.MY.GRACIOUS! I am in love with those shoes! How super cute are you going to be this summer? AND: YAY for finding a homecoming dress! Is it awkward I'm already shopping for mine and we're not even half way there? Hahahah!
ReplyDeleteAlso: I completely feel you on finding the right words! I can be experiencing somthing and feel as though I can sit right there and knock out the most impressive post ever, and when I finally sit down... nothing! I love your weekend though!! Sounds super fun!
I love that you're keeping yourself busy (or trying to!) while your husband is gone. And I love your shoes!